S2E6: Eyes Without Pity

Siuan Sanche's crown of knives

Our heroes are swept along toward a confrontation with the Seanchan at Falme in episode 6 of The Wheel of Time, “Eyes Without Pity.” Madeleine Madden steals the show as Egwene is tamed by her new sul’dam handler; Lanfear ties more strings to Rand; Nynaeve and Elayne learn more about the Seanchan and the a’dam with the aid of a new ally; Rand and Mat have a joyful reunion; Moiraine considers a return to Cairhienin politics, and Lan engineers a meeting between Rand and Siuan Sanche.


S2E5: Damane

Liandrin has kidnapped Egwene, Elayne, and Nynaeve and hands them over to the Seanchan Darkfreind High Lady Suroth; Perrin rescues the Aiel warrior Aviendha; Rand and Moiraine flee Lanfear; And Mat is nowhere to be seen in Episode 5, “Damane.” Just what kind of trauma or ambition does it take to turn a person’s heart to evil? The question is asked several times, but only partial answers are given.

S2E4: Daughter of the Night

Schemes are ripening in “Daughter of of the Night,” episode 4 of Wheel of Time‘s second season. Ishamael reveals his influence over Liandrin and Min; Liandrin herself attacks Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne; Selene is revealed to be Lanfear, possibly the most dangerous of the Forsaken. At least Perrin seems to be in a good place, though, learning more about himself and about being a wolfbrother.

S2E3: What Might Be

In “What Might Be,” episode 3 of the second season of The Wheel of Time, Nynaeve disappears in the ter’angreal during her test to become an Accepted of the White Tower. Egwene and Elayne deal with the aftermath of Nynaeve’s apparent death (this is the third time Nynaeve’s been presumed dead so far). Perrin, Loial, and the Shienarans face captivity by the Seanchan, and Uno pays the price for defiance. Selene introduces Rand to Cairhienin high society, and Logain tells Rand that he’s doomed to channel whether he wants to or not.

S2E2: Strangers and Friends

The Woolheads talk about Season 2, Episode 3, “Strangers and Friends.” In this episode, new alliances are formed and new enemies found. Moiraine pushes Lan away “for his own good,” no doubt, Liandrin gives Nynaeve a compelling offer but comes to regret it, Matt meets Min Farshaw, and Rand reveals some dangerous liaisons.

S2E1: A Taste of Solitude

Tomas, flaming sword in hand, stands over a slain Myddraal

Season 2 of The Wheel of Time opens with our heroes isolated from one another, emotionally or physically. Lan and Moiraine find their relationship tested by the loss of the Warder bond. Nynaeve and Egwene train as novices in the White Tower, unaware that Matt is imprisoned there. Perrin and Loial chase after the Horn of Valere, and Rand is alone in an unknown village.

Tomas, flaming sword in hand, stands over a slain Myddraal

Correction (yes, already!): Bryan said Vandene and Adeleas were throwaway characters, but they did turn up later on in the books, joining the Tower-in-exile in Salidar and eventually joining an expedition to Ebou Dar with Nynaeve, Matt and Elayne.